As my artist's statement explains, my work is utterly incomprehensible and is therefore full of deep significance. -- Calvin and Hobbes

Monday, January 30, 2012

so fleeting

Miniature – ACEO Portrait of Mimi; acrylic on canvas paper 

I walked through a vacant lot which was turning into a meadow.
Deer had grazed there.

I noticed a hummingbird just outside my vision to the right. As I turned my head to gaze at it further, I couldn’t confirm it had been a hummingbird afterall because nothing was there but a leaf that teetered in the wind waiting for its turn to to take flight.

My mind wandered a bit more as I took in the whole composition.

The grass and roots were taking back the land that was once a concrete parking lot. There was only at first astounding beauty in this observation. Then, my ego was quieted as I came to fully comprehend what I was witnessing; the timelessness of the land vs. the fleeting nature of human beings.

I think I am merely here as a borrower of space on Earth and perhaps someday, elsewhere, who knows? In any case, I think I should do my best to leave it as I found it. Or better.

When I left the meadow, I was glad the Earth this power. I wish we could all recognize the value of the grass under our feet.



  1. Lovely little painting. It's always nice to think about the small things.

  2. Thanks Kimberley, yea , I like the little ones a lot, but my eyes haven't been loving painting them lately. ;)

  3. Ooooh, glad it's not just my eyes...(too many late nights (under the covers) trying to check out eBay on my itty-bitty phone screen?...they're not very happy!)...Love this post ~ yep, I think we are Spirit beings having an Earthly experience...who knows how accountable we will have to be for how we treated the Earth...♥

  4. Gosh Anne, that sure is a point to make with those in business who claim to be religious but yet don't respect the environment! Thanks for your comment!


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Things to Ponder

Don't pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches. -Andy Warhol

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
-Walt Disney
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