"Saying Grace"
"Thank you for my Mommy, and my Baby Monkeys, and my Daddy!"
ACEO: Faber-Castell Colored Pencil on Bristol Smooth
"Thank you for my Mommy, and my Baby Monkeys, and my Daddy!"
ACEO: Faber-Castell Colored Pencil on Bristol Smooth
I constantly say I am not a religious person. I often mention my distaste for organized religion and the hypocrisy that makes company beside it.
That being said, if I break down my day, hour by hour, and record my thoughts and utterances, (aloud and under my breath), the truth is that I pray all the time!
Wow. I pray all the time. And I mean, all the time!
"Thank you, Lord!"
"Oh, please, God, help that person!"
"Please, Lord, help me get through this!"
"Lord, Thank you for this day!"
"Thank you, Lord, for showing my humility!"
"I am so grateful for such an understanding partner!"
"Lord, Thank you for bringing what I need exactly when I need it!"
"Oh, Thank GOD!"
I am quite proud of my good parking Karma..my ability to get parking spaces just about anywhere when I need it. I also have an incredible ability to win concert tickets. It's almost crazy! We only paid for one of the last 6 concerts we've attended. Positive thinking, praying, it's in the wording. The power may come from within myself, from the Universe, wherever...but it does come. I can't explain it, but I believe in good luck. I believe in goodness.
I am not one to discuss religion at all, and really hate when people try to shove it down my throat, but I think you ought to know what I take from all this....
What comes around, goes around. So, catch yourself next time you are about to yell at someone, or say unkind words to them or do something wrong. Instead, find one good thing to focus on and try a smile. It may get you a lot farther. If not right this minute, in the future. Take a breath and say "Thank you!"
I am so lucky!
That is a very charming picture Becca.