As my artist's statement explains, my work is utterly incomprehensible and is therefore full of deep significance. -- Calvin and Hobbes

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Starbucks And The Art Of Proximity

So, I needed some tires.
I have purchased from NTB.
I have purchased from a Mom and Pop shop.
I have purchased from Discount Tire.
Today, I purchased from Kaufman Tire.

Today, I purchased from Kaufman Tire because....


Don't knock the choice, for the choice of ease and comfort brings a joyful consequence to an action!

Once again, Starbucks can be blamed for smart business practices.
Kaufman Tire's mere proximity to Starbucks directly impacted my decision to buy tires from them. And you know what? I'm going to continue to buy from them as long as Starbucks is 200 feet from their door!

Good Job Kaufman! By the way, they were very nice, quick, and charged the right price which was about $2.00 less than Discount Tire! So, not only was it a more enjoyable experience, but I can literally say that they bought me a cup of coffee too!

The cute little handmade notebook shown features my art, mounted to the cover! Want one for your sweetheart?
Visit Smelly Rhino Studio!


  1. Fun post - love the notebook. Thanks for the reminder, I have a Starbucks giftcard I keep forgetting to use...Now where do I have to go today.

  2. hey there I love your story and your notebook. What a beautiful image you have there.

  3. Thanks Cappy! Marlene..yea, find the Starbucks nearest to your Hair Salon, Dry Cleaner, Tire or automotive Center..any place where you might have to wait, and bring your laptop! LOL

  4. That is just as logical a choice for tires as any other I suppose. I get my tires at the place next to the liquor store.


Have something nice to say? Put 'er there!

Things to Ponder

Don't pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches. -Andy Warhol

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
-Walt Disney
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